I am a woman phenomenally.
Phenomenal woman.
That’s me
— Maya Angelou

Leadership Challenges

Don’t fake it, ‘till you Become it

Become it!

Become who you want to become

When I first arrived in the United States and I started speaking English with real Americans, I had imposter syndrome. Who did I think I was speaking a language that is not mine? I knew that I had an heavy accent, but it didn’t stop me. I persevered. I registered to this English Pronunciation program, and I improved my spoken English and my grammar. As I was improving I felt more and more confident and people around me felt it, which gave me more confidence.

Starting a new thing will ALWAYS make you feel uncomfortable, but the more you practice the better you will feel. We should all focus on developing our leadership skills. And during the process, it is also important to stop and celebrate ourselves.

When my English pronunciation improved, but was still imperfect, I told myself: “I am a unique and phenomenal English speaker”. That gave me motivation to continue. 

You are Phenomenal

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Nothing is impossible as long as you are willing to do the work

There is this misconception that the real world is different from our dream world. It’s only up to us to make those two worlds work together to give us the result we’re looking for.

Throughout all the years that I studied how successful people became successful, I never heard one said “I woke up like this”.