Our mission
A teenager has so much potential in them. For example, most athletes start their career when they enter their teenage years. Personalities start to shape around that time. We start moving towards the direction of who we want to become, but are often limited by the environment we are living in and it is complicated to override the people around us as they mostly control our lives. I strongly believe that life is unfair on teens. We expect so much of them and the blame falls often on them when they fail at something or when they deviate from the parent’s plans.
For example, the trending psychological news of these last few years is that teens spend too much time on social media and that their mental health is of concern, but I want to ask: who gave those teens access to internet in the first place? Who put a phone in their hands without any control? Last time I went grocery shopping, a mother with her son who was not much older than 6 years old, started asking his mother to buy him candies, the mother first refused, but when the child insisted, she put him inside of the cart and gave him a tablet to shut him off. The child then occupied himself with that tablet, but when he grows up and becomes addicted to the screen he will get all the blame.
We can’t just expect teenagers to know how to behave if we are not willing to show them how to.
We often hear people say the system has failed us. A group of rappers rapped about that in my home country recently. But what we don’t want to admit is that we have failed ourselves ‘cause you can just expect the least help but you should do way more for yourself. All of those artists, and athletes coming from rough neighborhoods, didn’t wait for the system to offer them a pretty life, they relied on their craft and their possession.
The system can only fail the person waiting for it to succeed.
Some wait while others climb. Those who understood that, climbed. We should study them and repeat what they did. I used to be the kid who was waiting, waiting for my family to show me the way, waiting for something somewhere to come and take me. When I understood that my family doesn’t know the way and that nobody was coming, I went to find the path myself.
Just right there, I created myself…
I became the leader of my own life.
I want all of us to work together. Teens as well as parents as well as school staff to empower adolescents to learn how to thrive in any environments.
Whether you are growing up in a powerful and supportive environment or a non-supportive one, I want you to come here and use this website as a teaching tool for you to succeed in your present and your future life.
Michelle Obama said that when she was younger, people around her took the time to mentor her and to push her to become who she is today. I want to invest my time in you.
I want you to become the leader of your own life, starting now. Not when you become an adult and get your own apartment.